Sonya Tianang, Executive Director
Pronouns: She/Her
Prior to joining as staff, Sonya was involved with API Equality-LA as a volunteer and Steering Committee Member. Her past experience includes organizing for voting rights, human rights policy and advocacy, and humanitarian assistance in conflict countries. During graduate school, she focused on the intersectional experiences of individual and community trauma as a framework for social justice efforts. She holds an MSc in War and Psychiatry from King’s College London.
Sonya is grateful and inspired by the strength of Disabled QTBIPOC activists, artists, and ancestors who continue to teach her the paths to liberation, self-compassion, and joy.
Pronouns: She/They
Prior to joining as staff, Nora worked with young Asian folks in LA County on gender-based violence prevention and building communities to support healthy relationships. They also support solidarity organizing through their work with Vigilant Love - an arts and activism organization dedicated to challenging Islamophobia and white supremacy.
She is grateful to the generations of QTBIPOC organizers, particularly youth, who have modeled intersectionality, community care, love, and silliness within movement building.
Christine Hipolito, Outreach and Communications Coordinator
Pronouns: She/Her
Prior to joining as staff, Christine worked as an administrative and design assistant. She has also been involved with autonomous community organizing since 2016. Her hope is to continue to provide support and community care.
Christine is deeply appreciative of Disabled QTBIPOC artists, writers, and activists who teach her how to "move at the speed of trust" every day.