API Equality-LA’s 2023 Year-in-Review

Our immense appreciation goes to Andrea Castro at Rabbit Rabbit Studio who volunteered some of their time to design our report. Their deep listening, collaborative energy, and resonant values around disability justice in design is incredible. To work with Andrea, visit their website here: https://rabbitrabbitstudio.us/

Image Descriptions

Slide 1
Graphic image background includes abstract leaves, a pink moon, and an organic striped shape in blue and green tones. Text in white reads: 2023 Year In Review API Equality-LA. The API Equality-LA logo in white is underneath the text. The logo is an abstracted symbol of two people in an embrace. It is enclosed in an open circle.

A dividing line separates the logo and text that reads: @apiequalityla 

Slide 2
Graphic image background includes abstract leaves, blocked with a cream colored background underneath.

The title text in large white font reads: About Us. The text in black reads: API Equality-LA is an LGBTQ+ rights and racial justice organization that builds grassroots power in Asian and Pacific Islander LGBTQ+ communities in the Greater Los Angeles Area through organizing, advocacy, and public education. API Equality-LA is a 501(c)(3) organization.

The API Equality-LA logo in red is at the bottom of the graphic.

Slide 3

Graphic image background is a green, blue, and red abstract gradient.

The title text in white reads: Community Mental Health Survey. The body text in white reads: API Equality-LA launched our Community Mental Health Survey in 2022. The survey assessed the mental health and wellness needs of Queer and Trans Asians and Pacific Islanders in Southern California. Post-survey work continued through 2023, with intentions to publish our report in 2024! We worked with our Survey Team and other partners (shoutout Lavender Phoenix!) to build out our skills and understanding of data disaggregation, methods, and report creation.

Underneath, the numbers “5,083” and “221” are enlarged. Underneath “5,083” the text reads: We reviewed and coded 5,083 individual responses to survey questions (bless the Google sheet) to capture the wide range of lived experiences within our community. Underneath “221” the text reads: 221 QTAPIs participated in our survey.

Slide 4

Graphic image background is a green, blue, and red abstract gradient.

The title in large white font reads: Values Realignment. The text underneath the title reads: We concluded the final phase of our Values Realignment! Over the course of 4 retreats, our Values Realignment Transition Team - which included current and past staff, Board members, and volunteers - explored practices and programs that would embody our renewed values and meet the current needs of the queer and trans Asian community.

Underneath, text with 5 white abstract-shaped bullet points reads:

  • Identified our scope of work to fulfill our new Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

  • Brainstormed new programming opportunities for volunteers

  • Sharpened our focus concerning mental health and wellness for the queer and trans Asian community

  • Determined key structural changes to maintain sustainability

  • Developed a plan for relaunch and implementation

Slide 5

Graphic image background includes abstract leaves, blocked with a cream colored background underneath.

Title text in white reads: Staff Retreat. Body text in black reads: In September, our team gathered in person for the first time since Nora joined! Over delicious meals, quiet time, and gel pens, we connected deeply as a team and shared many moments of silliness, joy, and reflection.

We developed feedback practices within our team and established organizational boundaries for our work. 

Continuing our practice of interdependence, we crafted and shared our individual care plans for moments of activation or crisis that would need additional support.

We set intentions for the organization and ourselves:
- Move at the pace of our capacity
- Gracefully decline or move away from things that are not in alignment
- Remain rooted in intentional joy and connection

An image of API Equality-LA’s logo in red is located on the bottom right corner of the page.

Slide 6

Graphic image background includes a blue and green gradient, blocked underneath with a background of abstract leaves.

Four white, long, horizontal pill shapes include the following in black text:
- Continued to build trust, communication, and support for each other in the face of conflict and burnout
- Moved at the speed of our bodies’ needs
- Carved space for grieving and emotional processing
- Strengthened collective capacity

Slide 7

Graphic image background is a green, blue, and red abstract gradient.

The title text in large white font reads: Deepening Our Values: Disability Justice P.2. The body text in white reads: As part of our commitment to Disability Justice, our staff completed a self-paced Crip Crash Course offered by Sins Invalid.

Our team put values into practice through intentionally pacing our work and honoring our changing capacities.The organization continues to offer quarterly breaks, unlimited health days, and Existential Mondays check-ins to acknowledge the stressors of working under capitalism.

We remain a fully remote organization and continue to practice COVID safety by masking, testing, and isolating when experiencing symptoms.

As we move into 2024, we hope to continue building tenets of a trauma-informed workplace that prioritizes care over productivity.

The API Equality-LA logo in white is at the bottom center of the graphic.

Slide 8

Graphic image background for the title includes leaves, a pink moon, and a dark blue sky.

The title in large white font reads: Looking Ahead. The body text in black reads:
- CMHS Report - We aim to publish our Community Mental Health Survey Report by the end of 2024
- Disability Justice Political Education: Palestine - Throughout the year, we will continue to share how Palestinian liberation is connected to our liberation as queer and trans Asians.
- Rebranding - Our organization is getting a new look to reflect our updated mission, vision, and values!
- Board Restructuring - Our Board and Staff are reimagining a relationship that challenges the norms of the nonprofit industrial complex through power-sharing, accountability, and care.
- Accountability infrastructure - To strengthen our ability to transform conflict, we’re exploring different approaches to accountability that center compassion and care.

Slide 9

Graphic image background is a green, blue, and red abstract gradient.

Title in large white font reads: Thanks to Our Funders.

Under the title includes 6 funder logos each placed within a white circle. Funders include: Weingart Foundation, Liberty Hill Foundation, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, Draper Family Foundation via California Community Foundation, WMG BFF Social Justice Fund, and Asian Pacific Community Fund.

Slide 10

Graphic image background includes abstract leaves, a pink moon, and an organic striped shape in blue and green tones.

Title in large white font reads: Gratitude to Our Amazing Values Realignment Team. A white dividing line with an asterisk is placed underneath the title. The body text in white reads the following names: thuan, Paul T., Zachary Frial (they/he), bean (they/them), Izzy C., Jasmine M. (they/she), Shanahan Europa, Katie Wang, Kathy, and 2 Other Team Members.

Lower right hand corner text reads: graphic design by rabbitrabbitstudio.us